March 26, 2007

Praise is Beautiful

We know by experience that

Song has great force and vigor

To move and inflame the hearts of men

To invoke and praise God with

A more vehement and ardent zeal.

John Calvin

Thank you to all who came out for our sing-song on Saturday night. I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as my family and I did. It was awesome to enjoy music - both the singing and the jamming - with others who are passionate about music. And it was great to enjoy fellowship with all of you, even those who I don't know very well. There is something about fellowship with other Christians that I love . . . it is so uplifting.

Praise the Lord!

Sing to the Lord a new song,

And His praise in the assembly of saints.

Psalm 149:1

Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;

Praise Him with the lute and harp!

Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;

Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!

Praise Him with loud cymbals;

Praise Him with clashing cymbals!

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord!

Psalm 150:3-6

Praise the Lord!

For it is good to sing praise to our God;

For it is pleasant and praise is beautiful.

Psalm 147:1


Captain Carrot said...

yeah, woot, that was fun, lets do it again sometime! your family is like..really cool, I never knew that your mom was so funny, cause I never talked to her before...and your sister is really good at guitar. thanks so much for having us!

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how good it was to be there, darlin! I needed that! I miss you so much!