April 10, 2007

Carol-Lee Dancing??

Miss Long, my employer and the owner of the ballet studio I work at actually had me dancing today.

Yup, that's right. I actually got out from behind the piano and danced with the kids.

It must have looked really funny or something because some of the kids waiting for that class to be over and theirs to start were peaking in the door and pointing and laughing at me. After all, I've never danced in my life, and all the kids I was dancing with were about 7 years old and wearing body suits, little skirts and ballet shoes and there was me, wearing jeans, a sweatshirt and pink stripped socks. Of course, the helper for that class was dancing too, but at least she knows how to dance!!

Of the two and a half years I've worked there, none of the teachers have made me dance. I wonder if I'll be asked again any time soon . . . not likely!!

It was fun though. But not fun enough for me to get a crazy idea like taking dance lessons . . . definately not! I'll just stick to my music.


Anonymous said...

I would watch what you say about never dancing before, Carol-Lee ... I have some pictures of you that I would be happy to post for all to see! :) :P

(You would make a great dancer, by the way - and besides, there are more ways to dance than just one. :))
I love you, dearling!

Jacinda Vandenberg said...

Oh I totally wish I could have seen that!!! You can so dance!!! You were the one who taught me the 'piroette' at Vogel's, remember? And yes we have proof....500 pictures of us being silly....


Carol-Lee Joy said...

oops, ya . . . I forgot about those.

but this was different, I was dancing in front of people who KNOW how to dance!

Captain Carrot said...

you should take some videos next time...sigh, dancing is sooo fun!