August 7, 2007


3 days until Young People's camping:)

sooooooooooo . . . if I'm so excited, why am I letting the stress of planning and preparation and organizing it get in the way of joy? Not just excitement, but pure joy in the present, in what I'm doing, in little passing things of my every-day life.

Thank you God for people like my sister Amy, Brittni, Ben, Catherine and Justine who pray for me and try their best to help me with letting out my stress. Sorry for complaining a lot lately.

Amy just talks with me and sometimes gets involved with the organization even though she doesn't have to!
Brittni promised to set up our tent when we get there ('cause I hate that part) and said Ican sit on a chair and watch everyone else set up camp...i wish:)
Ben lets me vent and relieve stress; in other words, listens.
Catherine listens too, and gives me amazing Bible passages!!!!
Justine can feel when I'm down and spontaneously prays for me when we're hanging out. AND gives super, amazing, long hugs:D

Matthew 6:25-24 and 1 Peter 5:7 are my prayer and hope right now.

even though I love rainy days and we needed it, the rain isn't helping my mood.


Ben said...

crap, you're making my head big. thanks for listening to me too! I want to listen to you because I love you. You'r edoing an awesome job for sure! and if you want help running everything there, I can yell really loudly and try my best to get people to listen to you! Love, Ben

Carol-Lee Joy said...

Ben: thanks for the offer. Brittni offered to help with stuff too. you guys are awesome:) Love, Carol-Lee JOY