September 19, 2007

a listening ear.

so i've discovered something that i love, besides music. it kind of scares me to be honest. it's kind of weird, but i really do love it. a lot.

here it is: i love to listen to people. what they're going through, their struggles, things they need to sort out and talk to someone about. i love it when people come to me and talk to me about that stuff. it somehow makes me happy. even though it's not usually happy things they tell me.

what bothers me is that i never quite know what to say to comfort or encourage them. but i love being there for them. and just having someone they can tell hopefully helps them a little.

another thing that is annoying about it is that i can't just simply fix everything for them. i hate to see hurt and confussion and difficulty in the lives of people i love.

all i can think of is this:

"bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ" Ephesians 6:2


Anonymous said...

wow carol-lee, i miss you so much.

i was listening to brave saint saturn over and over and over again today, and thinking about you. it's a good thing you like listening because your basically the best listener ever. and even if you don't think you have the right words, usually what you say helps anyways.

thanks for being there, i love you! and i think i need another carol-lee hug.


P.S guess what song is scratched on the brave saint saturn cd? daylight..of course.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

i miss you a lot too brittni.

and i definately need a really super looooong hug from you. i miss not getting those everyday. hugs on saturday okay? lots of them:)

i love you more!

ps. if i remember, i'll make you another cd, or just give you mine on saturday if i forget to make you one and just make myself a new one. remind me!

Anonymous said...

actually, i don't think it's scratched anymore. i think my cd player is really old and crappy, it works on other cd players, so don't worry about it!

Carol-Lee Joy said...


Rebecca said...

That is one of my intersests too! I feel the same way, about not always knowing how to respond, and yet hoping I'll be a blessing to them just by listening. I have to admit that I like it because it's a way to get to know people better, but I also like listening to people so I can learn from them, and pray for them.
God Bless :)