October 1, 2007


Gloria, in excelces deo. 
Glory, gloria. 
Too weak to wonder, 
too tired to care, 
Jesus Christ, are you really there? 
I've fallen down, 
Can't pull myself back up. 
I'm going to drown, have mercy, 
Have mercy. 
I need you now, 
Not words or a feeling. 
But Jesus Christ, 
I've hit the ceiling. 
Your love, 
Your mercy, 
Your light unending. 
Your hope, 
Your peace, 
Your strength my heart is mending.


Kathleen said...

Hey Carol-Lee. So, I found your blog amidst everybody else's.:)

This is amazing. Did you write it?
It's very encouraging for me, a reminder to (keep) look(ing) up.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

it's a really pretty, quiet song by BraveSaintSaturn. good huh?

Anonymous said...



Carol-Lee Joy said...

i love you brittni. a lot.