November 7, 2007

to be there.

what are friends for?

to be there.

to be there for each other. that's what i need most in a friend. what i cherish most in a friend. what i love most about the ones i have.

and the only thing i can do is thank the One who gave them to me. even when i don't deserve them. they're there anyway.


Jacinda Vandenberg said...

uh oh

I'm feeling a tad guilty :S

but thanks for your encouraging words......did you know that you're the most loyal friend someone could ask for?!

I mean look at all the times I've rearranged my priorities.....and your still there.

Thanks for that, Carol-lee

Want to go out for coffee Tuesday or Wednesday (even Thursday?) afternoon next week?

let me know if you're too busy k?

Cause I really really miss our chats :S


Carol-Lee Joy said...

k. how about tuesday? email me:)

nadine j. said...

Thanks for sharing, Carol-Lee. I hope I can be for you what you've been for me.

Carol-Lee Joy said...

nadine, you are very special. and don't try to deny that...cause i know some people that will agree with me:) you're special, and i thank God for your friendship