February 28, 2008

more on friendships.

So, I had a little memory-trigger after I talked to some of my friends today. Yay for gchat:) Here's what I remembered.
You know those wonderful old kid tapes you used to listen to 10 times a day, with songs like Behold What Manner of Love, This Little Light of Mine, and other songs based on Bible passages? Well, I remembered one of those songs today. It goes like this:
Make new friends
But keep the old
One is silver
And the other gold
I'm thinking that this has some sort of significance in how we treat this whole problem of new and old friends, more important and those that are beginning to fall by the wayside. Read it one more time.
Make new friends
But keep the old
One is silver
And the other GOLD
Meditate on those words for a minute.
Here is what I'm thinking. New friends are great. A blessing from our heavenly Father for sure. But old ones are just as important. Don't let new friends distract you from the old ones. Also, talk with your old friends about it, if that is possible or applicable. Open up this issue. If you're having a hard time figuring out where you stand and what's going on and how you feel about your friendship fading. If you can't let go of those friendships, talk to them about it if you can and see how they feel. Chances are they feel the same as you, but are afraid to bring it up. Are they ready to move on? Then it's okay. So can you. Do they still want to be close friends like you used to be? Pursue that.
I tried that. And with God's help, I plan on doing the latter. Keeping in mind one word:
Just because I see certain friends more than others, I shouldn't let that get in the way of friendships that are harder to pursue on a regular basis. I'm scared that I will fail again though.
That's all for now. Except for one question: does anyone know of a Bible passage that may have inspired this song???

1 comment:

Jacinda Vandenberg said...

awwwwwwww! Yay! for old friends! Yay for Carol-lee! :)

love you :)