February 5, 2008

painfully aware of human weakness.

Yes I'm encouraged.

But that does not mean I don't have a source of bitterness as well. This is mine. The sight of a tensor bandage reminds me that I can be spiritually well and physically not at the same time. Happy and sad. Full of joy and full of annoyance. On a high. And a low.

My arms are causing me trouble again. Which basically affects everything I do. Writing, typing, playing piano, playing violin. It's just frustrating that the most important part of my body right now is the least healthy. The part that looks at this picture and says, 'you're my best friend.' My arm. And Guelph Kiwanis is in a week and a half. At which I compete and perform three times.

Arms, get better!


Anonymous said...

Yes!! You're back!!
. . . again? :( Your poor arms. Rest well, keep trusting God.

Amy said...

Dear Carol-Lee,

I am never going to let you make pizza for me again, and next time we go for a walk in the snow, I am pulling you in a sled.


Carol-Lee Joy said...

Dear Amy:

You're the best sister/friend anyone could ask for.

Love, Carol-Lee Joy

maria. said...

I'll be praying for you, that God gives you both relief and patience.