March 4, 2008

some observations on friendships:

  • friendships are a blessing from God
  • you can't have a friendship that works if it's not two-sided (Thanks for pointing that out to me Jacinda.)
  • being a true friend takes hard work
  • honesty is one key to a good friendship
  • friendships are meant to encourage
  • being a friend means being there no matter what
  • friends share what is on their heart, hurts and joys
  • just like there is a winter season, there is a winter in friendships (but spring is around the corner)


Jacinda Vandenberg said...

I swear you should write a book :)

on friendships

like right now or so would be good :)

love you!

Carol-Lee Joy said...

um, I might consider it if I wasn't too busy already!!

nadine j. said...


Thanks, Carol-Lee.