December 28, 2006

Family is a Blessing

I can only give a small glimpse of what we did on our holiday. But here are a few highlights of our four days in North Carolina:

  • staying in the same house with 14 wonderful people that I am privileged to call my family
  • lots and lots of laughing and talking.
  • playing games like 20 Questions, Phase 10, and Jungle Speed (and trying not to draw blood with my finger nails. Sorry Curtis!)
  • quoting Veggie Tales with the cousins, what a blast that can be!
  • watching The Nativity Story at the theatre, and Carz and Lord of the Beans at the Bos home theatre!
  • a candle light service, in which I accompanied my cousin Laura who plays violin.
  • refreshing walks and a hike in the gorgeous 60 - 70F weather, yes I said 70F.
  • caroling around the neighborhood on Christmas Eve with another family from the Bos' church.
  • eating a delicious Christmas dinner prepared by mom and aunt Marlene . . . and doing all the dishes after with dad and uncle Bill.
  • singing around a campfire in t-shirts and bare feet!
  • playing music with Amy, Kim and Curtis . . . I would have to say that was my favorite part of the four days we spent there. We even gave a mini concert to our parents on Christmas day.
  • sharing a room with my five siblings.
  • lots of food, namely baking, druppies, peanuts, and coffee!
  • Did I mention all the picture taking that was going on?

What a truly wonderful thing it is to have such a family, both immediate and extended. I am so blessed to be a part of it. Not only because my family loves me, and so much fun to be with, but because they have their faith grounded in Christ. Once again, I have been reminded of that amazing blessing this past weekend. As David said in Psalm 61 "You have given me the heritage of those who fear Your name . . . So I will sing praise to Your name forever." And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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