April 13, 2007

Music . . . again

I love my family. We are so musical, is sometimes scares me. Right now, I am in the middle of studying for my music history exam, and in the same room, Kim is listening to music (Kutless: Better is One Day, Strong Tower), and just down the hall in the living room, Jenna is practicing the piano, and no doubt Steven and Aaron are listening to something on the computer downstairs. And if I know Amy, she is probably trying to amuse herself at work by singing.

I wonder what we would do without music. I think I would be lost. But then, sometimes I think too much about music and not enough of the One who gave us this amazing gift. Here is a verse I found the other day. My family sings after every meal either from the hymn book, or with guitar in the living room, so I just found this verse kind of interesting. I don’t know why, but I never really thought of Jesus and His disciples singing before.

Then He took the cup, and when He had given thanks He gave it to them, and they all drank from it . . . and when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” Mark 14:26

The footnote in my Bible says, “This mention of singing is a reference to the Passover liturgy. Jesus and His disciples sing Psalm 115-118, the traditional close of the meal.”


Jacinda Vandenberg said...

Carol-lee...you're so inspiring! I love how much our families are alike....I don't think there's ever a time in our house where someone is not playing or listening to music...I truly believe it's one of the most beautiful blessings that will carry over from this life into the next.

Thanks for the awesome practice last night!!! :)

michelle v said...

i totally agree with ya carolee! it's like something we all have in common, yet its something that we all have different tastes about. But true enough, a gift of God.