April 17, 2007

OCHEC and Butterflies


OCHEC is in one and a half weeks . . . butterflies have started finding their way to my stomach. Are we ready girls? It makes it even more real to me when I see the website and our picture on there. Ahhh!!

Here's a verse I think we can stand to read a lot in the next week:

"Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established."
Proverbs 16:3


Jacinda Vandenberg said...

One of my favourites! thanks for the reminder Carol-lee!!!!! :)

I think we'll do okay....I;m just worried about Kwanis tomorrow...many many butterflies!!!! :P

Anonymous said...

i'm curious...what is worrying about ochec?
or are you just really excited? or are you speaking or something? or whats GOING ON!?!

Carol-Lee Joy said...

Kimberly, Amy, Jacinda, Naomi, Maria and I are the entertainment of Friday night at OCHEC. We have to fill up half an hour of music before the speaker. Ahh!. So the past while we've been practicing for this, and it's next week already! yikes. You can check out the link for OCHEC and you should be able to see the little blirp and picture of us there.

Anonymous said...

woah! cool!
i'll be certain to not be late for that like i was last year, so i can hear you.
you'll do awesome cause your all so crazy talented.